New Starlink satellites’ radiation leaks are 30 times as large as those emitted by older satellites, scientists discover ...
Observations with the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) radio telescope last year showed that first generation Starlink satellites ...
The largest known black hole jets, 23 million light years across, have been discovered in the distant universe. This pair of ...
SpaceX's new Starlink satellites are so radio noisy that they could blind radio astronomy observatories to the universe's ...
The excess radio emissions from Starlink satellites threatens to hinder observations through radio telescopes, astronomers in ...
The newly discovered black hole-driven jets extend over 7 megaparsecs or 23 million light-years.
"Compared to the faintest astrophysical sources that we observe with LOFAR, unintended electromagnetic radiation from ...
Astronomers have discovered the largest pair of black hole jets, stretching 23 million light-years. That’s like lining up 140 Milky Way galaxies one after another!
Scientists have discovered the largest known black hole jet, named Porphyrion, stretching 23 million light years across. This colossal jet raises intriguing questions about its perfectly straight ...
An artist's illustration of the longest black hole jet system ever observed. Nicknamed Porphyrion after a mythological Greek ...
Scientists have discovered the longest pair of jets streaming from a black hole in a distant galaxy. Black holes eat most ...
Astronomers found the biggest pair of black hole jets ever observed, stretching 23 million light years. and named this system ...