These six yoga poses are not only easy to incorporate into your winter mornings, but they also work wonders for promoting ...
One solution-perform yoga before running. Since yoga for runners is essential, include these poses in your fitness routine.
YouTube is full of great channels that allow you to do guided yoga from home, no matter how much time or skill you have. Here are my favorites.
I’ve recently been focusing on back mobility work to help me recover from chronic sciatica. My go-to move each morning is ...
Prolonged sitting and slouching can wreak havoc on the back, overstretching and straining the spine. Besides causing ...
Stay there for eight cycles of breath, counting “ohm one, ohm two, ohm three, ohm four” on the inhale and the same on the ...
Come to a seated position with your legs out in front of you. Bring the soles of your feet together, with your knees ...
The routine begins with lower body stretches to help release tight hips, glutes and groin muscles, using your breath to guide your body into the stretches. Kassandra then moves to a round of static ...